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Sun Perpendicular on Ramses face

Ramses II The war scenes of Seti I are carved on the north exterior wall of the Great Hypostyle Hall. Here the king battles the Libyans. On both sides of the north gate are two huge scenes of the triumphant king smiting a group of prisoners with his mace in the presence of the god Amen-Re. The text above them is purely rhetorical. Of genuine historical interest are the two extensive lists of foreign place names. These are arranged in groups, each consisting of an oval with the upper body of a bound enemy prisoner emerging from the ovals. Inside the ovals-- which are not royal cartouches-- are the names of cities and countries in Western Asia and in Nubia. Some of the names are copied from earlier lists, others are original an may reflect the range of Seti's military campaigns. At some point, the Nubian names were replaced with locations in Syria perhaps reflec ting the king's later wars there. In 6:25 A.M. on 21st of February or 5:53 A.M. on 21st of October in every year, The p